Thanks to the following developers who contributed code:
The connected-component implementation was derived from code written by Jyothish Soman, Kothapalli Kishore, and P. J. Narayanan and described in their IPDPSW ‘10 paper A Fast GPU Algorithm for Graph Connectivity (DOI).
The breadth-first search implementation and many of the utility functions in Gunrock are derived from the b40c library of Duane Merrill. The algorithm is described in his PPoPP ‘12 paper Scalable GPU Graph Traversal (DOI).
Thanks to Erich Elsen and Vishal Vaidyanathan from Royal Caliber and the Onu Team for their discussion on library development and the dataset auto-generating code.
Thanks to Adam McLaughlin for his technical discussion.
Thanks to Oded Green for his technical discussion and an optimization in the CC primitive.
Thanks to the Altair and Vega-lite teams in the Interactive Data Lab at the University of Washington for graphing help.
Thanks to Andrew Lumsdaine (PNNL) for the Sphinx, Breathe and Exhale (plugins) for the documentation.
We appreciate the technical assistance, advice, and machine access from many colleagues at NVIDIA: Chandra Cheij, Joe Eaton, Michael Garland, Mark Harris, Ujval Kapasi, David Luebke, Duane Merrill, Josh Patterson, Nikolai Sakharnykh, Cliff Woolley, and Stephen Jones.
This work was funded by the DARPA HIVE program under AFRL Contract FA8650-18-2-7835, the DARPA XDATA program under AFRL Contract FA8750-13-C-0002, by NSF awards OAC-1740333, CCF-1629657, OCI-1032859, and CCF-1017399, by DARPA STTR award D14PC00023, and by DARPA SBIR award W911NF-16-C-0020. Our XDATA principal investigator was Eric Whyne of Data Tactics Corporation and our DARPA program manager is Mr. Wade Shen (since 2015), and before that Dr. Christopher White (2012–2014). Thanks to Chris, Wade, and DARPA business manager Gabriela Araujo for their support during the XDATA program.