Community Detection (Louvain)#

The Phase 1 writeup contains a detailed description of the application.

From the Phase 1 writeup:

Community detection in graphs means grouping vertices together, so that those vertices that are closer (have more connections) to each other are placed in the same cluster. A commonly used algorithm for community detection is Louvain (

Scalability Summary#

Application is nonfunctional

Summary of Results#

The application has a segmentation fault and is currently nonfunctional.

Summary of Gunrock Implementation#

The Phase 1 single-GPU implementation is here.

We parallelize across GPUs by utilizing Gunrock’s multi-GPU ForAll operator described here.

Differences in implementation from Phase 1#

No change from Phase 1.

How To Run This Application on NVIDIA’s DGX-2#


git clone -b multigpu
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake ..
make -j16 louvain

Verify git SHA: commit d70a73c5167c5b59481d8ab07c98b376e77466cc

Partitioning the input dataset#

Partitioning is handled automatically as Community Detection relies on Gunrock’s multi-GPU ForALL operator and its data is split evenly across all available GPUs

Running the application#

Once functional, the application will follow the two script approach described in Running the Applications (i.e., using and scripts).


Final datasets will be listed when the application is functional.


No change from Phase 1.

Performance and Analysis#

No change from Phase 1.

Implementation limitations#

Currently nonfunctional.

Performance limitations#

Currently nonfunctional.

Scalability behavior#

Currently unavailable, but unlikely to scale given its ForAll based implementation. See Gunrock’s ForAll Operator for additional information.