Vertex Nomination#

The Phase 1 writeup contains a detailed description of the application. The most important point to note is that vertex_nomination is a “multiple-source shortest paths” algorithm. The algorithm description and implementation are identical to canonical single-source shorest paths (SSSP), with the minor modification that the search starts from multiple vertices instead of one.

Scalability Summary#

We observe weak scaling

Summary of Results#

We implemented vertex_nomination as a standalone CUDA program, and achieve good weak scaling performance by eliminating communication during the advance phase of the algorithm and using a frontier representation that allows an easy-to-compute reduction across devices.

Summary of Gunrock Implementation and Differences from Phase 1#

The Phase 1 single-GPU implementation is here.

In Phase 1, vertex_nomination was implemented for a single GPU using the Gunrock framework. However, The Phase 2 multi-GPU implementation required some functionality that is not currently available in Gunrock, so we implemented it as a standalone CUDA program (using the thrust and NCCL libraries).

Specifically, the multi-GPU vertex_nomination uses a fixed-size (boolean or integer) array to represent the input and output frontiers, while Gunrock predominantly uses a dynamically-sized list of vertex IDs. The fixed-size representation admits a more natural multi-GPU implementation, and avoids a complex merge / deduplication step in favor of a cheap or reduce step.

As described in the Phase 1 report, the core kernel in vertex_nomination is the following advance:

def _advance_op(src, dst, distances):
    src_distance   = distances[src]
    edge_weight    = edge_weights[(src, dst)]
    new_distance   = src_distance + edge_weight
    old_distance   = distances[dst]
    distances[dst] = min(old_distance, new_distance)
    return new_distance < old_distance

which runs in a loop like the following pseudocode:

# advance
thread_parallel for src in input_frontier:
  thread_parallel for dst in src.neighbors():
    if _advance_op(src, dst, distances):

In the multi-GPU implementation, the loop instead looks like the following pseudocode:

# advance per GPU
device_parallel for device in devices:
  thread_parallel for src in local_input_frontiers[device].get_chunk(device):
    thread_parallel for dst in src.neighbors():
      if _advance_op(src, dst, local_distances[device]):
        local_output_frontiers[device][dst] = True

# reduce across GPUs
local_input_frontiers = all_reduce(local_output_frontiers, op="or")
device_parallel for device in devices:
  local_output_frontiers[device][:] = False

local_distances = all_reduce(local_distances, op="min")

In the per-GPU advance phase, each device has

  • a local replica of the complete input graph

  • a chunk of nodes it is responsible for computing on

  • a local copy of the input_frontier that is read from

  • a local copy of the output_frontier that is written to

  • a local copy of the distance array that is read / written

This data layout means that no communication between devices is required during the advance phase.

During the reduce phase,

  • the local output frontiers are reduced with the or operator (remember they are boolean masks)

  • the local distances arrays are reduced with the min operator

After this phase, the copies of the input frontiers and the computed distances are the same on each device. In our implementation, these reduces uses the ncclAllReduce function from NVIDIA’s nccl library.

How To Run This Application on NVIDIA’s DGX-2#


The setup process assumes Anaconda is already installed.

git clone  git clone -b main
cd mgpu_sssp
bash # downloads and compiles NVIDIA's nccl library

Verify git SHA: commit 4f93307e7a0aa7f71e8ab024771e950e40247a4e

Partitioning the input dataset#

The input graph is replicated across all devices.

Each device is reponsible for running the advance operation on a subset of nodes in the graph (eg, GPU:0 operates on node range [0, n_nodes / n_gpus], GPU:1 on [n_nodes / n_gpus + 1, 2 * n_nodes / n_gpus], etc). Assuming a random node labeling, this correspond to a random partition of nodes across devices.

Running the application (default configurations)#


This will launch jobs that sweep across 1 to 16 GPU configurations per dataset and application options as specified in (see for more info).


Default Locations:




Running the application (alternate configurations)#

Modify NUM_SEEDS to specify the number of seed locations to be used by

Modify OUTPUT_DIR to store generated output and json files in an alternate location.

Please see the Phase 1 single-GPU implementation details here for additional parameter information, review the provided script, and see Running the Applications chapter for details on running with additional datasets.


No change from Phase 1.

Performance and Analysis#

No change from Phase 1.

Implementation limitations#

Implementation limitations are largely the same as in the Phase 1 Gunrock-based implementation.

Note that in the current implementation, the entire input graph is replicated across all devices. That means that this implementation cannot run on datasets that are large than the memory of a single GPU.

Performance limitations#

The advance phase does not include any communication between devices, so the performance limitations are the same as in Phase 1.

The reduce phase requires copying and reducing local_output_frontiers and local_distances across GPUs, and is memory bandwidth bound.

Scalability behavior#

Scaling is not perfectly ideal because of the time taken by the reduce phase, which is additional work in the multi-GPU setting that is not present in the single-GPU case. As the number of GPUs increases, the cost of this communication increases relative to the per-GPU cost of computation, which limits weak scaling of our implementation.

Scaling is primarily limited by the current restriction that the entire input graph must fit in a single GPU’s memory. From a programming perspective, it would be straightforward to partition the input graph across GPUs; however, this would lead to remote memory accesses in the advance phase and impact performance substantially.